3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I First Started Training
Have you ever wished that you could go back in time and do certain things differently? I sometimes feel this way when it comes to how I...
4 Tips On How To Lose Body Fat Fast
In the fall of 2012 I sprained my back really bad, and was hurt for about 4 Months. During this period without being able to train I...
4 Ways That Will Sabotage Your Fat Loss
What's going guys, Losing body fat for anyone requires a lot of effort. We all feel great seeing our results from following our meal...
3 Ways To Lose Fat Without Exercising
When we think of losing fat the first thing that comes to mind is doing all out cardio and getting drenched in sweat, but what if I told...
Why Gastric Bypass Surgery IS NOT A Shortcut To Losing Weight
If becoming FIT was easy to do everyone would be FIT. The truth is that Getting FIT is one of the hardest things you can ever try to do....
Why You Need To Do Mobility Exercises Now Before It's Too Late
One big mistake many gym goers do and I will include myself in this as well is that we get too caught up in working out to look good. Of...
3 Ways Not Getting Enough Sleep Is Affecting Your Fitness
Many of us might think that Fitness is all about eating right and working out but if you have a great meal plan and workout routine and...
Why You Need Probiotics In Your Diet Now!
When we usually think about BACTERIA we think of it as something that causes sickness and diseases, but what if I told you that bacteria...
3 Lifestyle Changes Needed To Reach Your Fitness Goals
If you've tried to get Fit before and haven't been able to accomplish your goal it might be because you didn't make enough changes in...
How To Maintain Your Summer Body During The Summer
For many, the summer is a time for vacations, staying up late, barbecues, beaches, pools and many hours spent in front of the TV watching...