5 Reasons Why You Should Eliminate Refined Sugar From Your Diet
Hello ladies, when most of us are going through some type of emotional stress we tend to turn to the good stuff for comfort (SUGAR) and...
4 Super Foods That Will Help You Live A Better Life If You Have Lupus
Hello everyone, some of you that know me know that my mother has lived with lupus for about 21 years now, although it's sad to say I am...
Is It True That You Lose Breast And Glute Size When Losing Weight
Hello ladies, before I begin training my female clients I ask them a set of questions to get to know more about them and their life...
4 Super Foods That Are Anti Aging
Hello ladies, most of us are always looking for the newest anti aging product. We are willing to spend a good chunk of our money to get...
What Happens When You Break Your Routine? (Especially During the Holidays)
Hello ladies, most of us can build up the will power to stick to our meal plan and workout routine, but sometimes life isn’t always just...
19 Natural Rejuvenating Super Foods
Hello everyone, when we are 13 or 14 years old some of us can't wait for time to go by so we can get older and become adults. At that age...
10 Anti-Inflammatory Super Foods
Hello everyone, many people tend to suffer from a lot of inflammation in their body and not even know it. Having constant inflammation in...
Top 7 Medicinal Herbs
Hello everyone, in today’s world medicine has evolved into many amazing things that have helped humanity live longer like surgery, blood...
3 Healthy Oils You Must Add To Your Diet (Part 2 Of 3) Coconut Oil
Hello ladies, In part one of my three blog series I speak about Macadamia oil and how it can hep you strengthen your bones, boost your...