How Walking Everyday Can Sprint You Closer To Your Fitness Goal
Many of us want to get Fit but unconsciously build up barriers as of why we can't get out goal accomplished, be it that there's not enough time in the day, no gym membership, or don't have the latest fancy equipment at your gym, whatever you are telling yourself is just an excuse not to get started. If you really want to get Fit there's a FREE option that will help anyone get fitter and that is just plain old walking. It might not seem like much but walking everyday has many benefits besides helping you taper down your waist. Walking will help lower your risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and it can also help you with fat loss. Walking everyday can easily help you burn 500 calories a day. The best thing about walking is that it can be done anywhere and anytime and also with low impact on the joints it's an exercise that almost anyone can do whether you are overweight, pregnant or suffer from joint pains. In today's blog we will cover how you can incorporate more walking to your everyday life and to help you get closer to your fitness goals.
To burn about 500 calories a day you would need to walk about 10,000 steps daily. Now I know 10,000 daily steps sounds like a lot but the average person that mostly sits around all day walks about 1,000 to 3,000 steps daily so if you put a little more effort than your average couch potato 10,000 steps is definitely doable.
1. Commit Yourself To Your Daily Walks -
Now I'm not expecting you to start walking 10,000 step tomorrow but eventually it's something that you can build up to. You need to decide and commit yourself to walking everyday to build up the habit even if its just walking 15 minutes everyday. Once you establish consistency then you can try to walk a bit more than the day before until you reach 10,000 steps daily.
2. Make Use Of Pedometer Apps -
Make use of that expensive Smart phone you carry around all day and download a good pedometer to track your daily steps. Make sure to look at it every once in a while to check how many steps you are up to so far, if you see you are a bit behind it can definitely help motivate you to get up and walk around for a bit.
3. Try Different Ways To Walk More -
If you take public transportation like a bus or train try to walk it to work and if it's really to far to walk then just get off a stop or 2 before your stop and walk the rest. If you drive to work make sure to park your car a bit far so you are forced to walk to your job and from your job back to the car so you can get in the extra steps. Another great thing you can do especially if you work sitting down all day is to get up every 30 minutes and just walk around the office for a minute or two, doing this during your 8 hour shift will help contribute more than you think to your daily steps.
Get focused and commit yourself to start walking at least 15 minutes everyday for the next week and each week add 5 minutes to your daily walk, by the time you know it you will feel so much better about your physique and health that you will be looking for other ways to speed up the progress. Think of walking as the Gateway to other more intense exercise that you might not be able or willing to do at the moment. I hope this information has helped you guys out in some form and if you are ready to really reach your fitness goal feel free to try one of our customized programs it's one of the fastest ways to reach your fitness goals.
- FitnessWithFlex